Westworld season 1, episode 4 synopsis: Dissonance Theory


See what’s coming up for guests and hosts alike with the official synopsis of Westworld episode 4, “Dissonance Theory.”

Eventually, Westworld will hit a tipping point with its artificial life forms, the hosts. I don’t think anyone watching doesn’t expect this to be the case, that the question of the hosts rising up is one of “when” and not “if.”

What the series has done wonderfully so far is to wrap the inevitable in multiple layers of juicy mysteries, and to seemingly flip the script on the 1973 film in terms of heroes and villains — though there could still be some surprises on that front as well.

Clearly, the writers would like us to be rooting for Dolores Abernathy and against the Man in Black, but things aren’t necessarily as clear cut for either character as it may first appear. Both of them are named in the official synopsis for this week’s new episode, “Dissonance Theory,” as you can see here:

"Dolores joins a bounty hunt in the badlands with William and Logan; Dr. Ford and Theresa talk about the park’s future; Maeve is disturbed by a vision; The Man in Black makes a significant discovery on his quest."

My question is whether poor Teddy Flood has lost the love of his life in addition to being killed about a half dozen times already. Or are the scenes with William and Logan really set in the past, as many fans have theorized?

The storyline with Dr. Ford shouldn’t be overlooked either. He has his heart set on his own new narrative for the park, one that might put him at odds with other Westworld employees. In the preview for episode 4, he threatens someone … but who?

Related Story: See the Westworld episode 4 preview clip

Even though another big TV show returns on Sunday night, you won’t want to miss Westworld either. If ever there was a perfect case for why DVRs were invented, this weekend might be it.