Westworld Hasn’t hit its Stride yet


Westworld is worthy of the attention it’s getting, but it hasn’t found its true potential.

There was a time when it would have been unfair to expect a new series to deliver the goods while still in its first season. There’s an argument (a good one) that modern shows aren’t given enough time to grow, and we should be more patient with them. But a new series that doesn’t hit an audience quickly probably won’t be given the chance to grow, so time is of the essence. Westworld isn’t really going to have that problem, but that doesn’t mean it can’t stand to evolve a little bit.

Westworld is almost halfway through its debut season, and even though it’s been strong, it hasn’t actually delivered a stunning episode yet. Part of the problem is the pace; as we’ve said before, the series does itself a disservice by not slowing down. That tends to undercut its larger moments and sucks the thrill out of its reveals. Some of it, at least.

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That doesn’t mean that it isn’t a must-see show. If you’re interested in sci-fi and aren’t watching Westworld, you are doing yourself a disservice. It’s a bit of a bumpy ride right now, but we know that there is a plan for at least five seasons. That could leave plenty of time for it to figure out exactly what it wants to do, and how to do it well. Hopefully.

There is still a problem with its human characters in that many of them feel not only two-dimensional, but their problems feel like filler. As if  there must be soap-opera style drama constantly going on to keep people interested. The behind the scenes drama is frequently where every episode so far has lost its way. There have, however, been some exceptions, such as the meeting between Ford and Theresa in the last episode.

William is the only human character that consistently delivers, and at least part of that is because he is experiencing the park for the first time. The Park is changing him, and his journey is one of the best storylines currently running.

Next: How long can Guests stay in Westworld?

Do not get us wrong — Westworld is a very good show. But it could be better, and it is sometimes frustrating when it’s not. To its credit, it seems to embrace all of its whims — not that it always works out. Eventually, hopefully, it will iron itself out. There is hope.